Coloring Book Celebrates Costa Rican Women in Engineering and Science

In today’s blog I preview a new coloring book that showcases 18 Costa Rican women who are doing outstanding work in science and engineering.

This coloring book is based on the book “The Intrepids” which I co-authored with Ana Luisa Monge Naranjo. Both coloring books and “The Intrepids” will be released in early 2021.

The coloring book series is narrated by a robot named Robby and her friend Luke who is from exoplanet Proxima Centauri b and are conducting research on Costa Rican scientists and engineers.

A similar coloring book based on “To the Stars: Costa Rica in NASA” will be released next year by the Costa Rica Institute of Technology Press.

Bruce Callow is a Canadian teacher and co-author of the book To the Stars: Costa Rica in NASA. He does space education outreach work on behalf of NASA.

Originally published at on December 9, 2020.