Through The Eyes of Children: Visions of a Costa Rican Space Agency
Today’s special blog showcases original artwork created by 1st and 2nd grade students from the Escuela Altos de Roble in Sardinal, Carillo Guanacaste and the Escuela de la República de Francia in Pozos, Santa Ana. A few additional works from outside these schools are included in the collection. Students were asked by their teachers ( Mariela Bonilla and Marjorie Gonzalez) to create artwork about what the soon to be established Costa Rican Space Agency will mean to them.

The bill for the creation of the Costa Rican Space Agency is in the Science, Education, and Technology Commission of the Legislative Assembly. In the next few days, it will go to the Legislative Plenary for discussion in the first debate.
Mrs. Aida Maria Montiel Hector, the member of congress leading the space agency legislationhad these words of encouragement to share with the students.
“I want to thank the students for participating in the Costa Rica Space Agency Drawing Exhibition and for their effort and dedication. I encourage them to follow their dreams because many will become scientists or engineers in space fields and even astronauts in the future. Guanacaste will have a Space Center, which will be located in Liberia, due to the extraordinary climatic and geographic conditions that our province has for observing outer space.”

Bruce Callow is a Canadian teacher and co-author of the book To the Stars: Costa Rica in NASA. He does space education outreach work on behalf of NASA. #CostaRicaSíEsPosible

Originally published at on November 4, 2020.